Machine learning and artificial intelligence are beginning to be common words in our daily lives. We’ve seen what this technology can do in many industries, experiencing emotions from happiness, optimism, to fear and anger. The last two were influenced by the controversial paradigm that says that people will be, as time passes, replaced by robots. But the latest studies showed the opposite. If you were impressed by the evolution of AI in the past few years, in the infographic below, you will find out what to expect from it in the future. Many things are going to improve thanks to new technological developments, and AI and machine learning predictions shows us that this is just the beginning.
What do you think about those machine learning predictions? Which one will have the most significant impact?
Hello, Jon! I like to share with my readers the latest news and trends in technology. Sometimes there is basic information, but I also have to write more complex and sophisticated materials for those who are as passionate as I am.
Jon cooper
Hi Rick Blaisdell ,
Too much informative article mate you should write daily basis .thanks
Rick Blaisdell
Hello, Jon! I like to share with my readers the latest news and trends in technology. Sometimes there is basic information, but I also have to write more complex and sophisticated materials for those who are as passionate as I am.
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