Benefits of cloud computing for HR and recruiting
The benefits of cloud computing for businesses are obvious, but for human resources professionals cloud computing applications may be particularly useful. In larger corporations, HR teams are usually spread out over different areas of a building, different areas of the country or different time zones. This is likely to result in a lack of communication, where recruiters cannot easily talk to team members or vice versa, and HR team members don’t always have ready access to information monitored and updated by another department.
A cloud-based HR system can help remove the administrative stress from a growing HR team and allow them to concentrate on their business. So let’s take a look at some of the most important benefits of cloud computing for recruiting professionals:
- Mobility
The cloud offers users access to information from everywhere and anywhere. This allows greater flexibility for HR and recruiting professionals on the move thanks to improved access to critical information. Mobile cloud applications also allow recruiting and HR managers to take action on management self-service transactions from anywhere without having to wait to get to a desktop or laptop. Whether you’re in the office, traveling or working from home, everyone has access to critical business information.
- Affordable costs
With the cloud, there is no need for costly financial installments, in-house IT technicians, server space or expensive software and site licenses. Transitioning to the cloud also reduces the cost of system upgrades because the vendor manages the bulk of the upgrade tasks. Also, personalizations and extensions move forward with the upgrade, allowing users to take advantage of the new features and functions.
- Easy to use
A HR cloud computing system can track applications, search resumes, generate reports, calculate payroll, track performance appraisals and maintain data on employees. Basically, all the data is available anytime for everyone involved, just a click away.
- Simplified workflows
Using cloud HR can simplify workflows, reduce absence costs and improve the way information is reported, enabling HR staff to delegate their time much more proactively on supporting the development and growth of the company.
- Continuous access to legal issues
Cloud computing also ensures that companies have instant and continuous access to the latest advances and legal issues as they may affect human resources issues. All information is automatically updated, meaning team members can be sure their information is current.
- Advanced security
Security is another concern for HR professionals, who deal with sensitive information. Virtual services have some of the most sophisticated security systems imaginable, reassuring the HR department and the entire workforce. Additionally, access to sensitive information can readily be limited to certain individuals within a company.
I strongly believe that cloud adoption will increase as more HR professionals will learn and understand how cloud can change the business combined with what they can and should demand from their software vendors.
Photo Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/81346246@N05/7455371782/
Sarah Daniels
Cloud computing is increasingly making more sense for recruiters and HR teams, especially those that work internationally, as you mentioned. Initially, security was a big concern but cloud security has improved by leaps and bounds.
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