Infographic | What’s New In The Engineering World?
The past two decades were marked by tremendous development and innovation, changing the way businesses operate and how people live. Of course, the same technologies used before are not popular anymore, and we can see how machine learning, blockchain, or user experience have begun their next chapter of innovation. But who are those making all these technologies to work and provide value to users? We are talking here about engineers or programmers. They are the ones transforming the world into a better place for any of us, and we should be grateful for their dedication.
When I realized that, I started looking for some trends in the engineering world and what I found was impressive. The increasing demand for tech professionals is something that indicated the digitization of businesses around the world. Read more about this topic in the infographic below.

Will be engineers the `most wanted` people in the future? Share your thoughts about the development of the engineering world in the comments section below.